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Custom Development 



Custom Software Development tailored to your company's needs. Our staff have over 12 years developing custom software ranging from simple reporting all the way up to full-fledged invoicing systems. We are well versed in low-level tools like C/C++ and Windows Internals and are well capable of integrating with Microsoft's flagship Accounting package Dynamics GP. Further, in our development and during warrantee periods we don't believe you own or should pay for software irregularities (also known as bugs). Most of our custom software has a warrantee period we call a customer Beta cycle. during this final phase of development the customer is given the product and temporary registration keys (where applicable) in order to properly run under their own test environment. Any problems reported during this warrantee period and defined as a software irregularity under the terms of the proposal would be repaired free of charge.

Key Benefits

  • Full quality total life-cycle
  • Guaranteed estimates (FRS models only)
  • Source Code availability
  • Agile or FRS development models
  • Attention to detail.


At DBS, our custom software methodologies can take on facets of either Agile-like modeling or standard Functional Requirements style modeling. We find customers enjoy both models. The Agile modeling method uses a ball-park method of determining project costs and sets fee schedules and minimum time increments as well as project milestones. But the customer is directly involved throughout the design process. The FRS or Functional Requirements model uses a traditional approach where the project is fully specified before one line of code is written and a more detailed estimate is drafted where DBS will honor the estimated price within +/-10%.

We encourage both resellers and end users to seek out our services. Resellers are our first line of field work with the end users. They are well versed in the nuances with their clients and tend to be more technically inclined to handle smaller support issues themselves. As such, Certified Microsoft Dynamics GP Partners receive a 20% discount on all our services and products.

MS Dynamics GP Dexterity Development
This class of development makes primary use of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Dexterity 4GL tool. This method is best suited for custom software meant to tightly integrate with Microsoft Dynamics GP Accounting Software. This programming can include elements from .Net, C/C++ as well as MS SQL Server development.
Microsoft Integration Manager Development
Integration manager is used to develop integrations primarily for taking information from other sources and pulling them into MS Dynamics GP. This development requires the customer have a license for Integration Manager.
MS Dynamics GP VBA/Modifier development
All copies of Dynamics GP have with the proper licensing the capability of being customized through VBA/Modifier. This method is useful for simple modifications to Dynamics GP and its reports. This requires the end user have a license from MS for VBA/Modifier.
Visual Studio .Net Development
This class of development can be combined with other class of development and is mostly used for developing .Net applications, libraries and services.
MS SQL Server
We are fully capable of developing SQL server solutions from SQL Jobs, DTS/Integration Services packages to triggers and stored procedures custom tailored to fit your business needs.

*Standard Rates

Below are our standard hourly rates for the various types of development.

Development Class Rate
Dexterity Development $125.00/hr
Visual Studio C#.NET development $150.00/hr
MS SQL Server Development $125.00/hr
C/C++ development $200.00/hr
Report Writer/Dexterity Report Writer $100.00/hr
Crystal Reports $100.00/hr

*Projects that are billed per hour are billed at the end of each week (Saturday) for the project's duration for the hours incurred during that week.

We currently hold several ISV certificates for Microsoft Dynamics GP product line including

  • Certified Dexterity Systems Engineer
  • Certified Dynamics GP Integration Developer (Dexterity)
  • Certified Integration Manager Developer
  • Dynamics 365 Customization and Configuration

Current Tools/Technologies used to develop software include:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio / Code
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft Dynamics GP Dexterity (same dev environment Dynamics GP written in)
  • Microsoft Dynamics GP
  • Crystal Reports Including .Net integrations
  • C# and WinForms Development
  • Borland C++ Builder & Delphi
  • Developer's Express Components
  • Typescript/Javascript
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and PowerApps

These are just a sampling of the many tools we are well versed at using (27 years and counting!) in order to develop virtually any solution you can dream.

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